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Zoom! Whitening Brightens Odessa Smiles

If you had to choose a color to describe your smile precisely, what would it be? White or maybe something closer to cappuccino? Unfortunately, our teeth just do not stay as white as they begin. Over the years, they begin to darken or yellow. As a result, the smile that you present to the world may not be your best.

There is a solution. Dr. Cobb offers Zoom! Teeth Whitening, one of the world’s best and most reliable bleaching systems. Zoom! provides terrific results that will get your smile noticed. And research shows that people remember someone with an attractive smile. So why not give yourself that advantage?

Why Isn’t My Smile White Anymore?

Good question. The truth is that no one’s smile is perfectly white. Teeth are genetically programmed to have a slight yellow, gray or brown cast. As we age, this tends to become more pronounced.

However, the #1 reason your smile discolors is because of the foods and beverages you consume regularly.. Think of what you ate and drank over the last seven days. There may have been seven cups of coffee (or more), spaghetti and tomato sauce, a chocolate bar, cola, red wine, strawberries and other colorful delights. All of these can leave deposits on your teeth that eventually accumulate until stains are noticeable.

In addition, there are many other factors that contribute to the less-than-white color of your teeth. These include:

Tobacco. The nicotine in smoking and chewing tobacco penetrates into the dentin layer, causing a brownish discoloration.

Medication. The antibiotic tetracycline taken during tooth development as well as certain forms of chemotherapy can cause staining.

Traumatic injury. Injury to a tooth can cause cracks in the surface that trap stain-causing debris or there may even be internal bleeding that discolors the interior of a tooth.

Zoom! Teeth Whitening to the Rescue

If you’ve had enough of your stained smile and are ready to make a quick change, then Dr. Cobb offers Zoom! whitening in Odessa. This safe and effective bleaching system uses a professional concentration of hydrogen peroxide or carbamide peroxide to lift stains from deep inside your teeth. Once the Zoom! whitening gel is applied to your teeth, a special light is used to speed up and activate the chemical process. In less than an hour, you can have a smile that is several shades whiter.

There’s no reason to settle for a smile that is not exactly what you want. With teeth whitening in Odessa that uses the reliable Zoom! system, Dr. Cobb can remove stains and discoloration, so your smile makes you feel confident and look younger, too!